
We love circus for everything that it embodies; inclusion of diverse elements, human support and risk-taking, art, music, athletics, excitement, and laughter.

The circus came to Pompanuck when one of our daughters, then aged 5, ran off and joined a visiting youth circus. We soon realized why she became so enamored with circus life. It provides a means for young people each with unique and seemingly unrelated skills to come together to create fabulous entertainment for themselves and others. It brings confidence and self esteem to those young people whose skills aren't easily recognized or acknowledged in other settings.

Our interest in and support of circus and circus programs has grown over the years and we've designed and built circus training equipment, props and house an extensive collection of costumes and materials to produce our own indoor/ outdoor circus productions.

The Pompanuck staff and guest teachers offer circus arts as part of many programs for people of all ages. The Pompanuck Parade Troupe and Stilt Marching Band made up of local teens and professional musicians has performed at events and festivals in the area.


check out the events blog for upcoming workshops
pompanuck farm institute 494 chestnut hill road cambridge, ny 12816 518.677.5552